Audition Information for Encore Theatre Group's
Les Miserables - School Edition 2020 Ages: 6th through 12th grade Directed by Daniel Nakawatase Musical Direction by Mike Walker Special Note: Casting for Les Miserables is by audition only. A $100 Deposit is required before you may audition. (non-refundable if you are cast) Payment Plans are available! Send an email to [email protected] to inquire. We have very limited scholarship funds available! Please apply as early as possible to ensure consideration. Scholarship applications are due at the latest 2 weeks before auditions with all supporting documents (Feb. 1st) Audition requirements will be sent after you have registered and paid your deposit. If you are not selected for the show, a full refund will be issued. Age Requirements: 6th through 12th grade Auditions: Saturday, 2/15/2020 4:00 – 8:00pm Audition Location: TBA Audition Time: Sat., 2/15/20 4-9 pm by appointment, scheduled upon registration. Audition Guidelines: audition_guidelines_-_les_mis_2020.docx Callbacks (by invitation): 2/17, 18 & 19 as invited. Parent/Cast Orientation: Feb. 22, 2020 @ 4:00pm Rehearsal Times: Saturdays and Wednesdays- Times ranging 4-10pm beginning 2/22/20 Tech Week: April 26-30, 2020 Performance Dates: May 1-3, 2020 Performance Location: Warner Grand Theatre, 478 W. 6th Street, San Pedro, CA 90731 Cast/Parent Meetings: TBA Co-op Fee: $100/person, up to $200/family - Due 3/15 (May be offset by selling an ad to an outside business) Tickets: Each family is responsible for the sale or purchase of a minimum of 20 tickets at discount prices (due 4/1). Minimum cost of tickets is $400, and upgrades are available. Tuition and Fee Information Student Tuition: $550 First Student $450 2nd Student residing at the same address $350 3rd Student residing at the same address $250 4th Student residing at the same address ($135 deposit due at upon registration- Remainder due upon casting) Information/Registration Packet |