About Us
Including Mission, Cultural Equity, and Accessibility Statements
Equity and Inclusion Policy
Regarding diversity, equity and inclusion, Encore Theatre group actively attempts to:
• Communicate to our staff, volunteers and participants our strong belief that diversity, inclusion, and
equity are an integral part of our mission.
• Seek out and remove inequities within our policies, systems, programs, and services on a continuing basis, seeking advice from key relational partners in the communities we serve.
• Ask “hard questions” in order to expose any underlying assumptions that may be interfering with creating an equitable and inclusive environment.
• Encourage our board and staff to think about how systemic inequities impact our organization’s work, and how best to address and correct those inequities.
• Challenge assumptions about the qualities we seek at the leadership levels of our organization.
• Commit time and resources to expanding and recruiting more diverse leadership within our board, staff, and advisory bodies.
• Remove obstacles to accessibility of our programs, including physical as well as financial obstacles.
Some of the ways we plan to accomplish these goals are:
• To strengthen our leadership at all levels by creating and supporting programs and policies that
foster leadership that reflects the diversity of the various communities we serve.
• To partner with existing organizations within the community in order to expand offerings for
underrepresented constituents.
• To provide training to our board and staff to continually improve our efforts at increasing
• To ensure that all of our casting decisions are subject to these policies and that all artists clearly understand and feel that they have equal opportunities within our program.
• To actively recruit leaders within the communities we serve to serve at all levels of our organization, from the Board to the Executive team to the Creative team in order to ensure that everyone in our community feels represented within our organization.
• To make our audiences, constituents and volunteers aware of our policies regarding equity and inclusion by placing statements outlining them on our website, in our Playbills and in our marketing materials.
• To expand our outreach beyond our local community to make the arts more accessible to constituents in other local communities who may not have ready access to arts programming.
Regarding diversity, equity and inclusion, Encore Theatre group actively attempts to:
• Communicate to our staff, volunteers and participants our strong belief that diversity, inclusion, and
equity are an integral part of our mission.
• Seek out and remove inequities within our policies, systems, programs, and services on a continuing basis, seeking advice from key relational partners in the communities we serve.
• Ask “hard questions” in order to expose any underlying assumptions that may be interfering with creating an equitable and inclusive environment.
• Encourage our board and staff to think about how systemic inequities impact our organization’s work, and how best to address and correct those inequities.
• Challenge assumptions about the qualities we seek at the leadership levels of our organization.
• Commit time and resources to expanding and recruiting more diverse leadership within our board, staff, and advisory bodies.
• Remove obstacles to accessibility of our programs, including physical as well as financial obstacles.
Some of the ways we plan to accomplish these goals are:
• To strengthen our leadership at all levels by creating and supporting programs and policies that
foster leadership that reflects the diversity of the various communities we serve.
• To partner with existing organizations within the community in order to expand offerings for
underrepresented constituents.
• To provide training to our board and staff to continually improve our efforts at increasing
• To ensure that all of our casting decisions are subject to these policies and that all artists clearly understand and feel that they have equal opportunities within our program.
• To actively recruit leaders within the communities we serve to serve at all levels of our organization, from the Board to the Executive team to the Creative team in order to ensure that everyone in our community feels represented within our organization.
• To make our audiences, constituents and volunteers aware of our policies regarding equity and inclusion by placing statements outlining them on our website, in our Playbills and in our marketing materials.
• To expand our outreach beyond our local community to make the arts more accessible to constituents in other local communities who may not have ready access to arts programming.