Corporate Sponsorship
ENCORE Programs – What we do
Theatrical Productions
Vision, Mission, ValuesVision
We envision a community in which all youth and the public at large have access to transformative theater experiences Mission ENCORE is a non-profit educational theatre company that seeks to build community and transform lives by providing high quality productions and intensive musical theatre and theatre training. Values Creativity, Community, Accountability, Inclusivity, Collaboration, Respect |
Sponsorship opportunities
Each level will receive the benefits listed for the lower levels as appropriate in addition to the listed benefits. At each level, we will work with your marketing department to provide benefits that work for your marketing needs.
Become the named season sponsor for our entire 2018-19 season at ALL locations, including the Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center and the Warner Grand Theatre, as well as at all smaller venues. Duration of this sponsorship is 9-12 months.
Become the named presenting sponsor for one Mainstage show, either at the Warner Grand Theatre or at the Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center. Duration of this sponsorship is 4-6 months.
GOLD SPONSOR - $15,000
Become a named show sponsor for any single Mainstage production. Duration of this sponsorship is 4-6 months.
Duration of this sponsorship is 4-6 months, for the audition/rehearsal/performance run of a single show.
Duration of this sponsorship is 4-6 months, for the audition/rehearsal/performance run of a single show.
SUPPORTER - $2,500
Duration of this sponsorship is 4-6 months, for the audition/rehearsal/performance run of a single show.
Become the named season sponsor for our entire 2018-19 season at ALL locations, including the Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center and the Warner Grand Theatre, as well as at all smaller venues. Duration of this sponsorship is 9-12 months.
- Company receives top billing on all marketing materials for the season (Marquees, billboards, banners, etc.)
- Recognized from the stage at every performance, with an opportunity to personally introduce the show.
- Tickets to our annual Gala with an opportunity to present an award and address the audience.
- Receive the full-color back cover ad on every show Playbill given to all audience members.
- Dedicated table in our lobby to display your company’s collateral.
- Listed as the Season sponsor on all Show T-shirts.
Become the named presenting sponsor for one Mainstage show, either at the Warner Grand Theatre or at the Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center. Duration of this sponsorship is 4-6 months.
- Company/Logo listed as the Presenting Sponsor on all marketing materials, including digital and print.
- Full page black and white ad in the selected show Playbill given to all audience members.
- Opportunity to address the audience at one fundraiser event.
GOLD SPONSOR - $15,000
Become a named show sponsor for any single Mainstage production. Duration of this sponsorship is 4-6 months.
- Recognized from the stage at all performances of the selected show.
- Recognized from stage with video promotional opportunity at our annual fundraisers.
- Company logo and promotional materials given to all attendees at annual Fundraisers
Duration of this sponsorship is 4-6 months, for the audition/rehearsal/performance run of a single show.
- Company name/logo will be listed as a show sponsor on all print marketing materials for that show
- Company Logo is included in all email marketing for the run of the show.
Duration of this sponsorship is 4-6 months, for the audition/rehearsal/performance run of a single show.
- Company logo on show T-shirts for a single Show.
- Half page ad in a single Show Playbill
SUPPORTER - $2,500
Duration of this sponsorship is 4-6 months, for the audition/rehearsal/performance run of a single show.
- Company name/logo will be listed on the Sponsor page in all show Playbills.
- Company Logo featured on the home page of our website, with click through link to your website.