Musical Theatre Workshop - AristoCats
Based on the beloved Disney animated film, and featuring a jazzy, upbeat score, Disney’s The Aristocats KIDS is a non-stop thrill ride of feline fun, complete with unbelievable twists and turns. In the heart of Paris, a kind and eccentric millionairess wills her entire estate to Duchess, her high-society cat, and her three little kittens. Laughs and adventure ensue as the greedy, bumbling butler pulls off the ultimate catnap caper. Now it's up to the rough-and-tumble alley cat, Thomas O'Malley, and his band of swingin' jazz cats to save the day. Ages: 4-10 Thursdays 4:00-6:30 pm beginning 2/7/19 Location: ENCORE Studios- 3555 Lomita Blvd. Suite E, Torrance, CA 90505 Tuition $450 - First student $400 - Additional Siblings residing at the same address Tickets $5/person (children and adults, excludes lap sitters.) No minimum ticket requirement. Showcase Performance: Thursday, April 4, 2019 7pm at ENCORE'S Richard Dominguez Black Box Theatre |