Good Afternoon Beauty and the Beast Families ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Schedule for 9/29 Location : Warner Grand Theatre, 478 W. 6th St. , San Pedro, CA 90731 4 - 4:30 Call backs ( by invitation only) 4:30 - 6:30 - Entire Cast 6:30 -7 - Monsieur D'Arque 7 - 8 - Cogsworth and Lumiere 8 - 9:30 Belle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please do not forget to bring your script, note taking materials, a water bottle and wear closed - toed shoes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13 the Musical !!
This show with amazing music and fantastic direction by Encore's Jessica Porter will be a great experience of teenage life and problems teens face. Students will get to work with the director and their peers to dive deep into scene's and background, working to increase understanding of character .
Short Synopsis of the show : Twelve-year-old New Yorker Evan Goldman is soon to have his Bar Mitzvah, and he wants his party to be amazing, but that might not happen because his parents are splitting up as his father starts to fall in love with a stewardess, which causes his mother to file a divorce against her husband ("Thirteen/Becoming A Man"). Just as Evan thinks that maybe things will be fine, his mother calls to tell him that they are moving to Appleton, Indiana. Full Synopsis Come join this great group!!- more information and registration here .
Thursdays from 6 -7:30pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do you have your Jazz shoes yet ?? If Encore cast members shop at Alvas and sign up for a Good Customer Account they will get $5 off for every $100 they spend, and 5% of those purchases will be donated to Encore. Alva's also carries Ben Nye makeup kits. Alvas : 1415 W 8th St, San Pedro, CA 90732 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Support a Fellow ENCORE Performing Family The Lloyd family will be in Lost in YonkersBy Neil Simon Sept 17th - October 16th @ Torrance Theatre Company Tickets here October 13th at 8:00pm with a Q&A after the show with the cast. Tickets are $30.00
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mark your Calendars for the San Pedro Christmas Parade!!!! Sunday December 4th We want EVERYONE to come out and perform!!! Come enjoy the floats and festivities of this annual parade. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upcoming Dates to Remember
Co - op Fee Due : October 22 Encore Gala : November 6th - Tickets on Sale soon!! San Pedro Christmas Parade - December 4th
~Christianna Frederick Administrative Assistant ENCORE South Bay
We still have spots available to come join and be a part of our spectacular Beauty and the Beast cast! Tell your friends!! We will be having new cast member auditions this Thursday (9/22) starting at 4pm. We have also attached the information packet you can forward to your friends, a link to our website with more information, and there is even a Facebook event for you to share. Rehearsal is always more fun with a friend ....and carpool opportunities ;).
Schedule for 9/22 Location : Warner Grand Theatre 478 W. 6th St San Pedro CA 90731 Please enter through the stage door ( not the main entrance to the lobby) *** big red metal doors closer to the alley way*** As there is filming happening at the front part of the theater. ( Look for Encore signs) 4-5pm -- New Student Auditions ( New students will stay for the rehearsal from 5 to 7pm ) 5-7pm -- Entire Cast Called 7-9:30pm -- Callbacks(by invitation only) ___________________________________________________________ Please do not forget to bring your script, note taking materials, a water bottle and wear closed - toed shoes. ________________________________________________________ Support a Fellow ENCORE Performing Family
The Lloyd family will be in Lost in Yonkers By Neil Simon Sept 17th - October 16th @ Torrance Theatre Company Tickets here October 13th at 8:00pm with a Q&A after the show with the cast. Tickets are $30.00 _______________________________________________________________
One of our Encore performers and all around hands on guy has begun boot camp to proudly serve his country. If you know Shaquille Richardson or want to send him some support please bring a letter to rehearsaltomorrow (he cannot receive packages yet - but letters are great) _______________________________________________________________
Do you have your Jazz shoes yet ?? If Encore cast members shop at Alvas and sign up for a Good Customer Account they will get $5 off for every $100 they spend, and 5% of those purchases will be donated to Encore. Alva's also carries Ben Nye makeup kits. Alvas : 1415 W 8th St, San Pedro, CA 90732 _________________________________________________________________
There's still time to earn FREE TUITION! If you still want to save some money, take advantage of our Tuition Referral Program! If you refer a NEW FAMILY who registers between now and Friday, September 23, and they lets us know that you referred them, you will receive $75 referral credit that you can apply to anything on your account. (For 2 new families you receive $150 referral credit, for 3 new families you receive $300 referral credit and for 4 new families you receive the equivalent of one FREE TUITION!) Each new family you refer must register and pay IN FULL before you will receive credit. Be sure to tell them to let us know you referred them! ___________________________________________________________________ Upcoming Dates to Remember Co - op Fee Due : October 22 Encore Gala : November 6th - Tickets on Sale soon!!
Have a wonderful afternoon, ~Christianna Frederick Administrative Assistant ENCORE South Bay
We still have spots available to come join you and be a part of our spectacular Beauty and the Beast cast! Tell your friends!! We will be having new cast member auditions this Thursday (9/15)(today) and next Thursday (9/22) starting at 4pm. We have also attached the information packet you can forward to your friends, a link to our website with more information, and there is even a Facebook event for you to share. Rehearsal is always more fun with a friend ....and carpool opportunities ;).
Schedule for 9/15 and 9/22 Location : Warner Grand Theatre 478 W. 6th St San Pedro CA 90731
4-5pm -- New Student Auditions ( New students will stay for the rehearsal from 5 to 7pm ) 5-7pm -- Entire Cast Called 7-9:30pm -- Callbacks (by invitation only) ___________________________________________________ Please do not forget to bring your script, note taking materials, a water bottle and wear closed - toed shoes. ___________________________________________________________
There's still time to earn FREE TUITION! If you still want to save some money, take advantage of our Tuition Referral Program! If you refer a NEW FAMILY who registers between now and Thursday, September 15th, and they lets us know that you referred them, you will receive $75 referral credit that you can apply to anything on your account. (For 2 new families you receive $150 referral credit, for e new families you receive $300 referral credit and for 4 new families you receive the equivalent of one FREE TUITION!) Each new family you refer must register and pay IN FULL before you will receive credit. Be sure to tell them to let us know you referred them!
All the best, ~Christianna Frederick Administrative Assistant ENCORE South Bay
Welcome to ENCORE's 2017 production of Disney's Beauty and the Beast!! We hope you are as excited as we are to get started. PLEASE SAVE THIS EMAIL, as it has a lot of important information that you will need again in the future!
As you know, orientation and auditions are this coming Sunday September 11th at 12pm at the Warner Grand Theatre 478 W. 6th St. San Pedro CA 90731. Remember that the whole cast and at least one parent of anyone under age 18 is required to attend!
I have attached the most recent version of our Registration Packet. Please print it and read through it thoroughly as there are important details that you will need to know on Sunday. Although you registered online or on the phone, we still need EVERY family to fill out both of the forms in the information packet and bring them with you to Orientation.
Before coming to the orientation/auditions, please spend a few minutes with your calendar and completely fill out your conflicts on the Audition form. Every cast member may declare up to 3 conflict dates on their audition form, and may add up to ONE additional conflict due to family obligations. We will be taking all of your conflicts into account when creating the rehearsal schedule and it is VERY IMPORTANT that you be honest about your conflicts. We take our conflict policy very seriously, and if we know in advance, we can plan around absences. However, you may NOT have more than 4 conflicts for ANY reason without prior approval from the director.
We also need every cast member to bring the following:
A binder in which to put your script
A PENCIL (NOT a pen) and a highlighter
A water bottle with plenty of water
Clothing you can move comfortably in (girls, if you wear a dress or skirt, please wear shorts under it.
CLOSED-TOED shoes!! (NO sandals or flip flops! Jazz shoes are great, but tennis shoes will work.)
If you paid a deposit to enroll in Beauty and the Beast, the balance is due on or before orientation. Please be sure to log on to your family account here and pay your balance. It will make your sign in process on Sunday go MUCH faster!
One last thing: If you know ENCORE families who are planning to do this show but who have not yet registered, please help us by encouraging them to register in advance by TODAY. We print all of our materials based upon the number of cast members registered and it is very difficult to plan when we don't know who is coming! Thanks so much for your help!
There has been a change to the audition/callback schedule for this week. Please read carefully.
SCHEDULE Sunday, September 11 12:00 Mandatory Orientation 1:00pm Auditions for all ages. We anticipate being finished by 5:00pm. There are NO callbacks on Sunday night. Location : Warner Grand Theatre -- 478 W. 6th St. San Pedro CA 90731
Thursday Sept. 15 Location : Warner Grand Theatre -- 478 W. 6th St. San Pedro CA 90731 4 - 5pm -- New Student Auditions 5 - 7pm -- Entire Cast Called 7 - 9:30pm -- Callbacks ( by invitation only)
Thursday Sept. 22 Location : Warner Grand Theatre -- 478 W. 6th St. San Pedro CA 90731 (Please enter through the stage door, NOT the lobby.) 4 - 5pm -- New Student Auditions 5 - 7pm -- Entire Cast Called 7 - 9:30pm -- Callbacks (by invitation only)
There's still time to earn FREE TUITION! If you still want to save some money, take advantage of our Tuition Referral Program! If you refer a NEW FAMILY who registers between now and Thursday, September 15th, and they lets us know that you referred them, you will receive $75 referral credit that you can apply to anything on your account. (For 2 new families you receive $150 referral credit, for e new families you receive $300 referral credit and for 4 new families you receive the equivalent of one FREE TUITION!) Each new family you refer must register and pay IN FULL before you will receive credit. Be sure to tell them to let us know you referred them!
We are so excited to kick off the Fall with you! See you all on Sunday!
~Christianna Frederick Administrative Assistant ENCORE South Bay